Learning About The Value Of Early Child Education

Are You Interested In A Different Education For Your Child?

Have you been less than impressed with the public school your child attends? Maybe you checked on private schools, but you discovered they were too expensive for your budget. If you are looking for ideas that might help, from checking out a K-8 public charter school to considering home schooling, here are some ideas.

K-8 Charter School - Some people don't realize that charter schools are actually part of the public school system. Fortunately, that probably means that you won't have to pay high tuition for your child to attend the charter school. Maybe you have talked to a friend or an extended family member who has sung the praises of the charter school his or her child has attended since kindergarten. 

No matter who you talked to, you probably heard that parents have a very major role in what happens in a charter school. For example, along with other interested parents, you will probably have a voice in the choice of curriculums and in extracurricular activities. Don't expect the classes in charter schools to be a lot smaller than those in public schools. In fact, you might decide that you could be a volunteer to help in your own child's classroom at the charter school he or she will attend.

Find out when those who run the charter school have planning meetings. Take your questions and concerns to the meeting. And, be ready to give your own ideas of what you think would improve the school. After all, that's what charter schools are all about, right?

Home School Your Child - Maybe you aren't interested in your child attending a charter school. But there's still the issue of private school being too expensive. Have you thought about home schooling your child? You might be surprised to find that you don't even need teaching credentials to home school. What you do need is commitment. 

If you do decide to home school your child, consider what you want for the curriculum. If your child is still very little, say in kindergarten, home schooling will probably be super easy for you. You can even get books out of the library that you can use as your curriculum for a very young person.

As your child advances, you might find that some subjects are difficult for you to teach. For example, maybe you aren't comfortable teaching your child algebra or geometry. In that case, think of having a tutor teach those subjects. In fact, you might trade teaching with another home schooling parent. If he or she teaches your child math, maybe you can teach his or her child a foreign language.  
